About This Site

This site is an online version of a collection of handwritten notes that I’ve kept in notebooks, notepads, and the like. I’ve put these all online, so that I can copy and paste some of these (frequently) long command lines.

There are a lot of these pages already online, I’m sure, but nothing quite worked for me. I have a rather peculiar setup. A lot of instructions are set up for administering web servers over CPanel or some other layer that nerfs what you can do. My servers are either on my local network, or in a managed datacentre that I have pretty well exclusive access to. This enables me to, say, load the server’s filesystem into my local machine’s directory structure. Needless to say, I use the shell prompt for everything.

I’ve made these public so that I can go onto a computer somewhere else and still have access to them. A consequence of making it public is that anyone can read these notes. I hope they can help someone. But, if you are reading this, and well, you are not me, some of these notes may not make sense. Also, if you are me, then I am probably you from years in the future, and chances are, I can’t remember what I had in mind when I made these notes (which is why I probably made them in the first place).